
This question arises in my Mind after spending the whole day. I was thinking that Seriously! In this way am I spending my 24 Hours? How can it be? Because I really could’nt understand how the day passed out exactly. It makes me feel that I just ‘Blinked my Eyes’ & the day passed out. I’d like to share my feelings about the 24 hours when I used to be a child. And the feelings of this 24 hours when I am a Grown up Human.

When I used to be a child I used to feel each moment of the day with complete Joy & Happiness. Those days make the 24 hours quite bigger. So I would be able to enjoy each second very keenly & nicely. My childhood days were so big that I used to perform so many tasks & I used to enjoy those performed tasks enthusiastically.

Each season like Winter, Summer as well as Rainy used to be a bigger one. The Period of four months of each season used to be Wider. So the season which was ongoing could be enjoyed Heartly. When there were Wintery days I used to enjoy the days worn with Jackets, hot Tea with Fitters, those astonishing wind with use to shake the Doors as well as Windows of the House. When I was a Child at that time the Rainy season was my favorite because of that Fragrantic smell of Wet Soil & the heavy Rain of course. At that time I used to take the permission of my elders to let me go & enjoy the Rain outside. And with that ‘Yes’ of my Elders used to make my Smile the Widest One. That childish dance on those Rains are still alive in the Mind Today.  I never used to wear the Raincoat because I used to wait for getting Wet in the Rain. Now comes ‘The Summer Season’ & the nickname of this season is ‘The Mango Season’. The King of all the Fruits! in India. I use to wait for this Season only because of Single Reason & that is The Fruit Mango. These four months are only made to eat Plenty of Mangoes for me. I used to eat Mangoes, I used to Drink Mangoes! I just used to live in the dreams of Mangoes when I used to be a Child. Truly those Childhood Days were very Big because I was able to live whole Heartedly each second of every Day. Those days were the worthy days which could be Titled as “The 24 Hours” because I used to feel each moment for quite a longer period of time.

  The Present Time…

Now it’s Time to Reveal the 24 Hours which I am spending now as a Responsible Adult. The Period of these days are quite very short. Because I truly can’t understand how the whole day, then the whole week & finally how the whole month gets over in just a ‘Blink of the Eyes’. The 12 months of the Present Time is quite Shocking for me because I really don’t know what I am doing & that too When? That’s a Questionnaire for Me, which yet I am trying to feel up. The Winter season has become Short. I don’t even know when the Summer Season passed out & when I entered The Rainy Days! As Rainy Season is going on right now here. These months are quite a Blinky month for me. Because as a Responsible Human now I have many more tasks to perform. I am a ‘Working Woman with a House Wife. Too’. Plus the main point is when the Morning wakes up & it sleeps also early. ‘The Funda of Dawns & Dusks are quite out of the Mind Nowadays’.

I don’t know that when I am Brushing My Teeth, when I am getting ready to go for My Job, when I am working, when I am Resting, when I am waking, when I am Sleeping, when there is a Morning & when there is Evening. These days are just like a ‘Rush in the Hush’. When I just started enjoying the Morning time entering the office, soon I entered The Noon Time. And when I start enjoying My Lunch, soon the evening comes & I shift myselves to the Home. Soon at evening I go for a Fresh up Time, it becomes the Time to prepare the Dinner & Grab it up. The last stage of the 24 hours is of course the Night Sleep which is the most important part because after spending the entire adventures day we need to have a sleep of course.

In between the entire 24 hours I also give priority to My Passion & My favourite Hobbies. My Passion is one and only keeps on Blogging whenever I get time, or I do Blogging at a time when I am spending time with my ownself. The only most important Passion with the help of which I am yet Breathing. I have the Bulk of Hobbies, because I am a Multipurpose Tasker within Myself. So I always try to give time for each thing. I like to read Books, Novels, Fairytales. I like to read about everything which exsists on this Earth. My second Hobby is to Sing Song & Bhajans. I like to watch Action movies, Childish movies, & my most adorable thing is to watch the Cartoons Shows. Today I can also tell the names of each Childhood cartoon show which I use to see.

The tasks are Bulk in this Era of My Responsibilities. But the main thing is that I cannot enjoy those tasks while performing it. I remain confused about when the task started & when it ended up. Today’s 24 hours have really become Messy one, because when I am doing what I just can’t take complete advantage of that particular thing. Which is the biggest Question Mark for me these days. Previously I used to enjoy, everything which I used to Perform. Because those running 24 hours could be enjoyed & felt completely. The 24 hours of this Era is quite different & very short. When this Day starts & when I have entered in to the Night gives the feelings like a Blink of the Eyes. The days have become short, the weeks run very fast, the coming & going of the entire Month makes me feel like having my one time Meal and of course a Year gets over just like a single day has passed out for me. 

I go across so many moments when I feel Sad & Happy, Twisty & Tricky, Soft & Thorny, Vice & Verse, Emotional & Annoying but every moment as well as situation runs quickly in Time. That’s why I just feel that this is 24 Hours? which I am living. This life has become very Harsh & Hasty, Fast & Furious, Twisty & Tricky. So, between this Fast life I just can’t take proper advantage of the moments which is of Fun, joy, happiness, enthusiasm & Honesty, Trustworthiness. When I spend time with my loved ones Clock make its Hour Hand run like an Athelite. As a result, the clock wins & I lose the race. Because I have many more tasks to do during the entire day, for which I have to keep on switching myself in different roles which makes me feel proud that Almighty has blessed me with a good capacity which I can perform at places in different Ways at different Stages. So, I feel like Is this 24 Hours? Truly?

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